Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thanks Mom

Take a look at the picture above. This family is tied together by one very important woman, the beautiful woman in the red sweater with the curly hair, Ellie. She is a woman who exemplifies Proverbs 31. In all my years as a young girl, a rebellious teenager and then as a grown woman I have never met anyone quite like Ellie. Those of us who are close to her know how tough and yet how gentle she is. We know how she has the ability to command a room without saying a word. We know how she has been an example of loving and supportive wife, a nurturing mother and a wonderful daughter. If you have the pleasure of meeting Ellie you will know what I mean within 2 minutes of talking to her. Mom, you are blessing to me and I thank God for allowing me to have such a wonderful mother. Happy Mother's Day.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Theresa. I agree whole heartedly and I couldn't have said it better. I must say, that I am proud of my MOM and my sistas and my nieces who are also great MOMs. Love you all!! We have a great Family because of our MOM!!

Anonymous said...

Okay I cried

Anonymous said...

Gram is the glue of the family. I can only hope that I am a mother like her some day.